Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sin City

So I just had to watch Sin City (2005, Miller) for my CAMS class and it was probably the most disturbing film I've ever seen. So now I'm sitting in the nice, warm, dry library, half-expecting somebody to burst through the window covered in blood. It was ok as a movie, but not really my cup of tea.
I thought I'd share my notes from the screening though, because they are actually kind of funny.

EAR BLOWN OFF OMG HAND BLOWN OFF plasma like wounds black light look?
Colour vs not colour in sex scene
Persistent wind
Going in the sewer wtf!?
Flipping his body around holy shit he’s still on his feet after getting hit by the car three times
Oh no not a werewolf? Claw animation
Blood in red, heads on the wall, what the hell he pulled the wall off? Axe murder time
Blood exploding from mouth ewww
Ewww his legs are gone gross!!
Lightning effects
How is he alive ew ewe w
Omg all the voices are the same! Narrator same?
Shoes (red and blue? is always) in color, cool what’s with jumping off roofs?
Crosses glowing, random samurai on the roof? Hand moving on the sidewalk, blood is glowing and splashing and weird ewww nazi ninja star? Sure just put your severed hand in your pocket, weird lights on the car ride oh no he’s not dead?
Why is there a dinosaur outside?
Hello yellow man

So I guess that's basically a rundown of the film. Have a wonderful night!


kimber said...

That movie couldn't possibly be more opposite than the one I just watched while doing my astro problem set. Sense and Sensibility not only has one of my favorite actors (Alan Rickman), but makes me tear up with happiness at the end. Oh, and can we talk about how as I've gotten older, I'm much more susceptible to crying when a movie/book is sad and tear up out of happiness when something good happens (like love prevailing and sappy stuff like that)?

Great notes, though.

kate said...

why yes, I suppose we can talk about that. I think that's true for me, too but I can't really think of a specific example right now.