Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Of hope and change

Yes we did, America!

On the other hand, over 5 million Californians disappointed me. I can respect you voting for McCain, I can respect you for a lot of things I disagree with, but I can't respect you voting yes on Prop 8. It saddens me that there are so many people out there who feel uncomfortable with someone who was born different than them that they want to take away their rights. I have not heard a single justification for this proposition that made me see where supporters were coming from. Ruin the sanctity of marriage? Allowing two people who love each other form a legal union doesn't ruin this at all. What about the high rates of divorce in straight marriages, or Britney's 24 hour marriage? You may not like the idea of gay marriage, but that doesn't mean we should ban it. I may not like the idea of your religious beliefs, but I'm not trying to take away your rights.

Prop 8 is a step backwards for overcoming discrimination. Is it so hard to allow our inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness apply to everyone?

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