Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Penguins, Dancing, and Watson Fellowships

Penguins and dancing have almost nothing in common, except that they are both in this post. Watson fellowships, however, could be incorporated into either of those things, hence their beauty.

Scientists discovered a breed of penguins that were thought to have vanished 500 years ago.
I wish scientists would make a similar discovery with weird fish. My favorite part of A Journey to the Center of the Earth is when they find all the prehistoric fish with no eyes, and monstery features. Too bad there's not actually a giant cavern full of fish somewhere.

This is the dance that won for West Coast Classic at 2008's SwingDiego.
If I could dance like this just once in my life, I would be content with all dancing. My favorite part happens at 50 seconds, when the follow slides on her knees with a bit of whiplash help from her lead. This move might be feasible for Social Dance Club. Hmmm...

This is the coolest use of a Watson Fellowship ever.
I met someone yesterday who was nominated for a Watson, which prompted me to read through last year's recipients and their proposed projects. I want to meet this man. I want to do his project. I suppose it might be old hat if I proposed the same thing in a couple years, huh?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Links! Pictures! Procrastination!

First off, this is one of my favorite BBC pictures of the day ever:
You celebrate, German cyclists!

But what this post is really about is the Carleton Website, which is a treasure trove of procrastination.  My favorite part is Planet Carleton, a compilation of blogs by Carleton students, faculty, and alumni.  I found it while bored at work one day and it became a habit to check it out after finishing my filing or delivering or transcript processing.  Today it led me to a live video feed of puppies.  They even make adorable puppy noises.  Thanks Aaron Kaufman.

Another reason to love the Carleton website: I get to peruse pictures including this one which is now gracing posters all over campus:

Which just goes to show, I have the most kick-ass roommate ever.  We also have a kick-ass couch.  On a slightly different note, yet not a completely irrelevant one, MGMT's Kids has been stuck in my head for the past couple of days.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sin City

So I just had to watch Sin City (2005, Miller) for my CAMS class and it was probably the most disturbing film I've ever seen. So now I'm sitting in the nice, warm, dry library, half-expecting somebody to burst through the window covered in blood. It was ok as a movie, but not really my cup of tea.
I thought I'd share my notes from the screening though, because they are actually kind of funny.

EAR BLOWN OFF OMG HAND BLOWN OFF plasma like wounds black light look?
Colour vs not colour in sex scene
Persistent wind
Going in the sewer wtf!?
Flipping his body around holy shit he’s still on his feet after getting hit by the car three times
Oh no not a werewolf? Claw animation
Blood in red, heads on the wall, what the hell he pulled the wall off? Axe murder time
Blood exploding from mouth ewww
Ewww his legs are gone gross!!
Lightning effects
How is he alive ew ewe w
Omg all the voices are the same! Narrator same?
Shoes (red and blue? is always) in color, cool what’s with jumping off roofs?
Crosses glowing, random samurai on the roof? Hand moving on the sidewalk, blood is glowing and splashing and weird ewww nazi ninja star? Sure just put your severed hand in your pocket, weird lights on the car ride oh no he’s not dead?
Why is there a dinosaur outside?
Hello yellow man

So I guess that's basically a rundown of the film. Have a wonderful night!

Of hope and change

Yes we did, America!

On the other hand, over 5 million Californians disappointed me. I can respect you voting for McCain, I can respect you for a lot of things I disagree with, but I can't respect you voting yes on Prop 8. It saddens me that there are so many people out there who feel uncomfortable with someone who was born different than them that they want to take away their rights. I have not heard a single justification for this proposition that made me see where supporters were coming from. Ruin the sanctity of marriage? Allowing two people who love each other form a legal union doesn't ruin this at all. What about the high rates of divorce in straight marriages, or Britney's 24 hour marriage? You may not like the idea of gay marriage, but that doesn't mean we should ban it. I may not like the idea of your religious beliefs, but I'm not trying to take away your rights.

Prop 8 is a step backwards for overcoming discrimination. Is it so hard to allow our inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness apply to everyone?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


At 9:30 central standard time, FOX is the only major network not to have projected Ohio for Obama. Interesting.
CNN, CBS, NBC, and ABC all put the numbers at Obama: 52 McCain 47
FOX has it at Obama: 51.34 and McCain 47.04

Important differences? hmmm

The polls also put McCain slightly ahead in Missouri. Will this election break the bellweather?

Monday, November 3, 2008

Things I've realized recently.

You know how your high school teachers would force you to argue both sides of an issue, or address different perspectives in papers? Now I know why my teachers did it. I have gained the ability pick something to write about without having to consider whether I really want to write about it, because I can pick something random and make it sound good. Helpful for when you’re starting papers at midnight.

Oh, and thank god I don’t get internet on the couch.

-If I did, I would probably be watching the CNN electoral map calculator, which currently shows that McCain could win all the swing states, AND Virginia, and still lose.

-Also, these google maps (election edition) are pretty cool.

-Or, if you prefer your politics with a bit more comedy, try Jib Jab, a reliable source of election-themed laughs for the second-consecutive presidential campaign.

And you wonder why I don't start my papers until midnight?